
Fit Baggies

Get active and join other Albion fans on a journey to becoming more fit and healthy.

Fit Baggies is a free, 12-week programme that helps fans to make better lifestyle choices.

The course is available to males aged 35-65 who are looking to lose weight, get fitter and live a more active life.

The EFL programme has already been successful with thousands of football fans throughout the country who have already lost weight and started their journeys to living healthier.

By being a part of the programme, you will get support to:

  • Improve your eating habits
  • Cut down on alcohol
  • Increase your activity levels – one step at a time!
  • Reduce your weight and waistline
  • Support each other to stay on track

You can find out more about Fit Baggies by attending an Information evening on Thursday, January 16 from 5:30pm at The Hawthorns.

To book your place or learn more, please email