Focus On Men's Mental Health

6th October
Team Talk player dribbling with the ball

Mental health is a growing topic for the health of our society. Many of us will experience issues – or know someone who will – during our lifetime. Our focus on active lifestyles perfectly positions us to offer solutions to help people struggling with their mental health. 

The Issue 

In Sandwell there has been a 61% increase in adult mental health services contact from 2018 to 2023. People with severe mental illness have a 10-25 year shorter life expectancy than the general population. While mental health issues have significant social and economic costs, most importantly is the impact on the quality of life for our residents. 

The statistically most at-risk group for suicide are males aged 40-60. 

Our Solutions 

We run programmes currently focused on adult males who need support with their mental health. The Team Talk Football League uses the power of football and physical activity to support local males aged 18+. 

Weekly tournament style matches take place on Monday evenings, 7-9pm, and Thursday mornings, 10.30am – 12pm, at Portway Lifestyle Centre. On Mondays from 6-7pm a Wellbeing Cafe is available for participants to provide support and an opportunity to socialise and start a conversation with other participants and staff. 

To date we’ve welcomed almost 200 participants to the Team Talk programme and delivered over 8,200 hours of group support for those suffering with their mental health. 

Get Involved! 

To find out more or sign up to the Team Talk Football League click here