In the first of our brand new series ‘This and That’, midfielder Seren Watkins talks through some of her best moments in football and favourite things in life, while also answering a host of questions which divide the nation.
From the first football shirt the summer signing owned, to her opinion on whether aliens exist or not, this is one feature has a bit of everything and is not one to be missed.

Seren, tell us about your earliest memory of football?
My earliest memory was playing with Llwydcoed boys team. I’d be really nervous all the time, turning up there, but I think it really helped me to develop as a player. I found it hard playing with boys because it was obviously a lot more physical. I really enjoyed it though and I lot of the boys who played there were from my school, so at least I was playing with people who I was familiar with.
What was the first football shirt that you owned?
That would be a Liverpool one. I think I was only about three so it would’ve been around 2006 or 2007. I had ‘Gerrard 8’ on the back of it.
Who was your role model growing up and why?
In terms of football, I’d have to say Steven Gerrard. In terms of every day, I’d have to say my gran. I’ve always had a really close bond with my gran and she’s really strong. I look up to her a lot. Her dad played football professionally, so she enjoys watching me play now. Her dad played for quite a lot of teams, including Cardiff City and others. I couldn’t name them all unfortunately.
What is your go-to meal after a victory?
It’s got to be Nandos. Me and the girls end up going for a Nandos after games a lot of the time. My order is usually a sunset burger, mash and long-stem broccoli.
Who is your best friend in football and how long have you known them for?
I would say Rhi (Rhianne Oakley). We’ve obviously played together for a long time, including at junior teams and then at Cardiff City. Now we’re here at Albion together. I’ve also got a lot of close friends who I played with at Cardiff.

What’s the best goal you’ve ever scored?
There’s one goal which stands out when I was really young. Someone took a free-kick and it came straight over to me and I hit a volley into the bottom corner. I’ve actually got it on video. That’s probably one of the best I’ve scored and it’s one which always makes me smile when I see it or think about it. I couldn’t even tell you who it was against, it was just in a tournament when I was younger.
What’s the best stadium you’ve ever played at?
I think it’s got to be Cardiff City Stadium. I think that’s one of the only big stadiums I’ve played at, along with The Hawthorns. I loved it. I’ve always supported Cardiff City so playing there was really nice because it was like playing at home.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given and who gave it to you?
My dad has always been really good for giving me advice. He’s always told me about the importance of never giving up, even when times are hard. He told me that if you push through the hard times and don’t give up, you’ll come out the other side stronger. He also said that the hard times will make the good times really good.
What was your favourite TV show to watch when you were growing up?
I would say probably something like Horrid Henry or Sarah Jayne. I used to watch a lot of Sarah Jayne with my cousins at my gran’s.

Does chocolate belong in the fridge?
That depends. I like it out of the fridge or in the fridge. I’m not fussy at all. I just like chocolate.
How many spoonfuls of sugar are acceptable in a cup of tea?
I don’t have any in my tea. I cannot drink tea with sugar in.
What’s your dream destination to visit on holiday?
I would probably say Bali. I’ve been lucky enough to go on some nice holidays but I’ve never been to Bali and I’d love to go there. The best place I’ve been is the Maldives, which is similar to Bali so people say, but I’d still love to go to Bali.
Pineapple on a pizza. Acceptable?
Yeah, no issues for me. I’ll allow it.
Proudest moment of your life so far?
I think that definitely has to be representing my country, Wales. When I wore the Welsh shirt and having my family there, that was really special. I think back to that moment and it will always make me feel proud. It was about two years ago now. I was playing for the Wales Under-19 team. My first ever game was against Albania, but the game was played in Andorra.
One thing you think is really overrated in life?
Maybe social media. I just think you end up spending so much time on it for no real reason.

Do you believe in aliens?
No. Not at all. If they are real, I’d rather think they’re not real.
If you could travel back in time and attend one sporting event, which one would it be and why?
I think going to St. George’s Park with Wales Under-19s when I was younger, purely just because of how good of a time I had and how much I learnt from that camp.
Any quirky superstitions on matchday?
I actually wear tape on my wrist and I write things on it which might help me in matches.
What’s the strangest way you’ve ever picked up an injury on or off the field?
I fell off a cliff when I was younger actually. I was crabbing with my sister and my dad and I was right on the edge of this one part and I fell down and scuffed all of my hands and knees. I landed in the sea. I must’ve been a about eight or nine.
Finally, tell us one thing that annoys you about social media?
I just think it’s false. You see a lot on there which is really false.