

Greene King Disability Sports Team Build

Greene King, the UK’s leading pub company and brewer, recently visited The Albion Foundation for a Disability Sports Team Building Day.

The visit was made by the Greene King inclusion group, Ability, with participants engaging in a range of disability sport activities and team building exercises, followed by a motivational talk from Albion Foundation ambassador and serial fundraiser, Blind Dave Heeley.

Greene King employee smiling in a power chair
Powerchair football games | Photo: Greene King


Ability is an employee led inclusion group designed to support team members with disabilities within the Greene King business and is part of its continued journey to everyday inclusion.

Through training materials, such as the Disability Sports Team Building Day, Greene King and Ability aim to raise awareness of different disabilities, both visible and non-visible, and the different challenges they present to employees.

Greene King employee taking part in a blindfolded activity
Blindfolded team building activities | Photo: Greene King


“We’ve all had such a great day, from learning to play blind football as well as power chair football, and lots of other exercises too”, said Nick Mackenzie, Chief Executive Officer at Greene King.

“It's been really interesting chatting to the power chair football team and Blind Dave Heeley gave an incredibly inspirational speech. It's been a positive and insightful day and we've all learned loads from this experience." 

Nick Mackenzie with West Bromwich & England Powerchair player, Chris Gordon
Nick Mackenzie with West Bromwich & England Powerchair player, Chris Gordon | Photo: Greene King


“It was great to meet the Greene King team and see them take part in the Disability Sports Team Building Day,” said Paul Hunt, Disability Sports Development Officer at The Albion Foundation.

“The employees were able to work together and experience disability sport for the first time. They looked like they really enjoyed the day but more importantly took some important lessons away with them.

“I’d like to thank Greene King for supporting The Albion Foundation and hopefully we can work together again in the near future.”



Our Disability Sports Team Building Sessions are open to all businesses and companies looking to inspire their workforce and demonstrate their core values.

With powerchair football team games and blind-folded team building activities, your jam-packed day finishes with a disability sport motivational speaker.

Click here for more information or please email: