Berahino, Mulumbu and Davidson behind campaign
ALBION stars are joining a new health campaign this November – and want you to help them!
The Baggies are supporting Saving Lives during National HIV Testing Week, encouraging people to take the simple blood test that can keep them healthy.
‘Selfies Saving Lives’ sees Premier League footballers and Olympic athletes join forces with people living with HIV and members of the general public in taking photos, putting them online – and urging people to #GetTested.
Saido Berahino and Youssouf Mulumbu have already stood in front of the camera. "Rightly or wrongly, young people look to footballers as role models,” says Youssouf. “I think we have a responsibility to do the right thing.”
That’s why Albion are looking for more volunteers to pose for a selfie whilst holding one of the campaign’s cards. “If by talking about subjects like HIV and sexual health we can break down stigma, that can only be a good thing,” adds Saido.
One in five people living with HIV don’t know they are infected. That means they can’t access today’s life-saving treatment, and may be passing on their infection to others.
Dr Steve Taylor is the charity’s Medical Director. “A simple blood test can change all this – and that’s where football clubs in. They can use their influence to educate people who may not otherwise think the message has anything to do with them.”
Jason Davidson is another Baggies player signed up to the campaign. He said: “If people can give just a few seconds of their time and take a selfie, we’ll raise awareness that the HIV test is nothing to be afraid of.”
If you want to volunteer to help the Baggies in this campaign, get in touch today! (click here)