Club launch new fan friendly ticket office number
IT’S good to talk – and Albion have today launched a new fan friendly ticket office hotline number after listening to the views of supporters.
From now on, supporters should dial 0121 227 2227 for all ticket enquiries. This replaces the former 0871 271 9780 number.
Albion have made the switch to make purchasing tickets easier and cheaper, having taken into account the fact almost half the calls made to the ticket office are from mobile phones.
When dialling the previous 0871 number, calls from standard BT lines cost 10p a minute but this could have risen significantly for calls from other operators or mobile phones.
Calls to the new 0121 number will be charged at the same rate as any 01 and 02 number and, in many cases, will be free due to individual call plans. For further details, supporters should contact their telephone or mobile phone provider.
Chief executive Mark Jenkins said: “These are tough economic times in the West Midlands and we are continually looking at ways to make attending Hawthorns matches both easier and cheaper for our supporters.
“We rarely charge booking fees for ticket sales – apart from when covering third party costs – and after announcing yesterday we are freezing season ticket prices, we hope our supporters regard the phone number change as another positive development.”