
Foundation partner with Litter Watch

The Albion Foundation and Litter Watch have joined forces to educate youngsters about plastic waste.

The partnership will work alongside the Eco Albion project, enabling further education and promotion of environmental awareness to schoolchildren.

Katie Grainger, Schools Engagement Coordinator, is looking forward to utilising Litter Watch’s knowledge when it comes to plastic waste education.

“It’s brilliant for us to be working together,” said Katie.

“They’ve got great expertise within what they do and it’s really exciting that we can partner up and teach children together around recycling and the environment.

“The Eco Bus and their many resources for all ages will help to educate the pupils we work with and it’s really exciting to be working alongside them.”

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Emma Bennett, Litter Watch Environment Education Officer, reciprocated Katie’s positivity.

“We thought it would be a good partnership and opportunity to work together,” said Emma.

“It’s lovely to see the children being aware of litter, its damaging effects and working together to remove waste around them.”

For more information around the Foundation’s environmental work, please email