How to Buy Stadium Tour Tickets

16th March

See below a step by step guide to purchasing tickets for our Stadium Tour & Lunch events at The Hawthorns.

If you have a My Albion account and have purchased tickets online in the past 12 months then please go to and log in with your usual details.

If you haven’t purchased tickets from the Club in the last 12 months you’ll need to set up an account to buy your tickets or hospitality packages online.

Set up an account

  1. Go to and click ‘Create Account’
  2. Complete the contact details required in the sign up form
  3. You will be sent an email to activate your account, click on the link and then log in when prompted
  4. You will be directed to a page entitled ‘Connect your My Albion Account’. Click ‘Create Account’
  5. You can now purchase packages online. To view your purchase history and download event e-tickets click on ‘ACCOUNT’ in the blue menu bar

Upon creating your account you can decide whether or not you would like to receive future communications from West Bromwich Albion. Click here to set your preferences

How to buy Tickets

  1. When you log in to you’ll be presented with all available packages, look for the Stadium Tour & Lunch section
  2. Click on the Tour & Lunch date you would like to purchase for
  3. Select how many places you would like to buy from the dropdown menu for the relevant ticket tariff and Tour start time and click Add to Basket
  4. Select a celebration package to add to your booking if required
  5. Click the red ‘Buy Now’ button
  6. Click to say you have read and accept the Terms and Conditions and click the red ‘Proceed to Payment’ button
  7. Enter your payment details to complete your purchase
  8. You will receive a confirmation order of your booking via email after a few minutes

To Download your Tickets

  1. Click here to view your Order Summary
  2. Click the red 'Print' button and a PDF will automatically be downloaded to your device
  3. If you have downloaded to a smartphone save the file to the device to bring up on the night of the concert
  4. If you have downloaded to a computer you can either transfer to your smartphone or print each ticket on A4 paper

If you lose the ticket you can click REPRINT to download again but please be aware that if you produce multiple tickets only the first one will work to gain entry.